2hBoard Specific Behaviour

The scope of this document is to describe the specific behaviours of the 2hire device (2hBoard) in the 2hire as adapter (2aa) service.

To understand the standard behaviours of 2aa please refer to the developer portal


In order to install a 2hBoard you'll need to implement the following process:

  • Retrieve the profile id for your vehicle's brand and model using the list profiles endpoint

  • Register the 2hBoard by providing the qrCode printed on the device and the profileId via the register endpoint

    • If the Vehicle has already been registered with another profile the endpoint will return a CONFLICT_ERROR that provides the id for the already registered vehicle

        "code": "CONFLICT_ERROR",
        "errorId": "52410965-9d0b-4dca-861c-aba09f803c10",
        "details": {
          "cause": "PAYLOAD_CONFLICT",
          "raw": {
            "messages": [
            	"Vehicle already registered with another profile"
            "vehicleId": "b6bb6966-4597-48d1-8115-37243063ef0f"
      • Change the 2hBoard configuration by providing the vehicle id and the profile id via calling the set profile endpoint
    • Please refer to the developer portal's error page for more info on other errors that might be returned

  • Wait for the device to be asynchronously configured by polling the profile status endpoint or by subscribing to the vehicle:*:specific:profile_status topic

  • Once the 2hBoard has been configured you can test the installation by calling the start and stop endpoints

  • Turn on the engine and test if the 2hBoard can correctly gather data from the vehicle by forcing the data extraction and checking the vehicle's signals

Data patterns

The 2hBoard generates position data every 30s while the vehicle is not moving (low_speed) and sends 5 positions every 5s whenever the vehicle is detected moving (high_speed).

Trip detection is performed via GPS, the status of the trip can be queried by calling the trip_detected get signal endpoint, when a trip is detected data extraction from the vehicle is triggered for the configured signals.

Data from the vehicle is extracted every 30s while being in trip and keeps being extracted until the engine is detected being turned off for about 5s.

2hBoards can also be configured to extract data during the execution of a command

Specific Commands

These commands are always available on 2hBoard vehicles, regardless of the profile that is currently associated with the vehicle.

Set profile

Schedules a profile update on a device, the update is asyncronous, watch the profile_status signal to check when the profile finished applying


profileIdstringId of the profile to be configured on the device, as returned by the list profile endpoint
  "profileId": "683a6519-1e40-46f9-a27d-06c7d06d9a1a"


Success 200
successbooleanSet to true when the command has been successful, false otherwise
  "success": true

Please refer to the developer portal's error page

Extract Data

Forces the data extraction to start, if the vehicle's engine is currently off only one data request will be performed, if not the device will continue extracting data until the viehicle is turned off


This endpoint requires an empty body


Success 200
successbooleanSet to true when the command has been successful, false otherwise
  "success": true

Please refer to the developer portal's error page

Immobilizer on

Immobilizes the vehicle without locking the doors


This endpoint requires an empty body


Success 200
successbooleanSet to true when the command has been successful, false otherwise
  "success": true

Please refer to the developer portal's error page

Immobilizer off

Removes the vehicle immobilization without unlocking the doors


This endpoint requires an empty body


Success 200
successbooleanSet to true when the command has been successful, false otherwise
  "success": true

Please refer to the developer portal's error page

Specific Signals

These signals are always available on 2hBoard vehicles, regardless of the profile that is currently associated with the vehicle.

Profile Status

Gets the status of the last scheduled profile update



Success 200
dataobjectObject containing the data of the signal
data.currentobject OR undefinedAvailable only if a profile has already been applied to the box
data.current.profileIdstringUUID of the profile currently set on the box
data.current.versionobjectInfo related to the version of the profile
data.current.version.boxFamilystringHW version of the box that the profile supports
data.current.version.revisionstringVersion number of the profile
data.pendingobject OR undefinedAvailable only if a profile is being sent to a device
data.pending.profileobjectInfo about the profile being sent
data.pending.profile.profileIdstringUUID of the profile being sent
data.pending.profile.versionobjectInfo related to the version of the profile
data.pending.profile.version.boxFamilystringHW version of the box that the profile supports
data.pending.profile.version.revisionstringVersion number of the profile
data.pending.requestTimenumberUNIX timestamp of when the profile update has been requested, in milliseconds
data.pending.statusEnumStatus of the profile being sent can be WAITING, if it's not currently being sent to the device, either because it's offline or because the job has not start yet, IN_PROGRESS if it's currently being sent to the box, FAILED if an error occurred in the process
timestampnumberUNIX timestamp of when the signal value was updated
	"data": {
    "current": {
      "profileId": "02f9ccc1-6a9a-4be8-b8ef-271c2cdd0031",
      "version": {
        "boxFamily": "2hireBoxV1.0",
        "revision": 1
  "timestamp": 1664396046803
  "data": {
    "pending": {
      "profile": {
        "profileId": "05a34a27-f928-4a63-a1f8-623bf4378753",
        "version": {
          "boxFamily": "2hireBoxV1.5",
          "revision": 1
      "requestTime": 1664396046803,
      "status": "WAITING",
  "timestamp": 1664396046803

Please refer to the developer portal's error page

Trip Detected

Gets the last updated status of the trip detection algorithm, which determines if a vehicle is moving or not based on gps position



Success 200
dataobjectObject containing the data of the signal
data.valuebooleanSet to true if the last available status of the trip detection algorithm is detected, false otherwise
timestampnumberUNIX timestamp of when the signal value was updated
  "data": {
    "value": false
  "timestamp": 1684050846238

External Voltage

Gets the last value of the input voltage read by the device



Success 200
dataobjectObject containing the data of the signal
data.voltagenumberVoltage as read by the device on its input line
timestampnumberUNIX timestamp of when the signal value was updated
  "data": {
    "voltage": 12.686
  "timestamp": 1684252813045


Gets the last updated unfiltered position and its related properties



Success 200
dataobjectObject containing the data of the signal
data.typestringSet either to low_speed or high_speed, reflects the sampling speed status of the device
data.fixedbooleanSet to true whenever the GPS is able to retrieve a position, false otherwise
data.latitudenumberUnfiltered latitude as retrieved by the GPS
data.longitudenumberUnfiltered longitude as retrieved by the GPS
data.externalVoltagenumberExternal voltage associated with the GPS position, sampled once an hour while in low_speed
data.internalVoltagenumberInternal voltage associated with the GPS position, sampled at every position while in low_speed
timestampnumberUNIX timestamp of when the signal value was updated
  "data": {
    "type": "low_speed",
    "fixed": true,
    "latitude": 41.92004395,
    "longitude": 12.52167797,
    "externalVoltage": 13.686,
    "internalVoltage": 4.212
  "timestamp": 1684255585280